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Spiegeloog 421: Reflections

Spiegeloog 421: ‘Reflections’ – Editorial

By October 11, 2022November 11th, 2022No Comments

Dear readers, 

One month has already flown by as we settle into the new academic year. We have had a wonderful time putting together the first issue of the 50th(!) year of Spiegeloog; issue 421, with what we believe to be a fitting theme – Reflections.

Cover by Anushka Sabhanam

Our editorial board have covered a wide range of topics, allowing us to present to you a rich issue. 

For our articles, we take a short trip down memory lane, starting off with a 50th anniversary edition of Quinty Mars’ article on the history of Spiegeloog. Avanti follows, bringing you a piece highlighting the many benefits of journaling. Vadim offers his take on the enigma that is platonic love, while Sara delves into the Japanese concept Ikigai, referring to one’s sense of purpose and how this can be important to our wellbeing. Anika explores the ways in which fashion can reflect not only ourselves but our place in society, and Magda argues how trusting science does not necessarily make one less of a critical thinker. Finally, Christine contemplates the strengths of a restorative justice approach to criminality. 

Just as interesting are this issue’s columns. For the Office Hours column, Laura speaks to Dylan Molenaar about the items in his office that have accompanied him during his academic journey. Evita goes on to give a commentary on Pixar’s Inside Out. Reviving the dormant Art Affairs column, Anushka and Evita review the exhibition Hug of a Swan at the Huis Marseille by photographer Nhu Xuan Hua. Denny Borsboom is back with the first Ivory Tower of the year on reflective measurement, while Anne covers the topic of free will in the Athena column. Expert Astrid Homan responds to David Amodio’s question, ‘What has your research taught us about the benefits of diversity to organisations, in addition to its benefits for society and members of underrepresented groups?’. Lastly, Laura rounds off our issue with her Bacchus pondering how forming friendships changes as we grow up and how she feels these friendships will play out in the next phases of life. 

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the new issue!

Anushka & Evita

Dear readers, 

One month has already flown by as we settle into the new academic year. We have had a wonderful time putting together the first issue of the 50th(!) year of Spiegeloog; issue 421, with what we believe to be a fitting theme – Reflections.

Cover by Anushka Sabhanam

Our editorial board have covered a wide range of topics, allowing us to present to you a rich issue. 

For our articles, we take a short trip down memory lane, starting off with a 50th anniversary edition of Quinty Mars’ article on the history of Spiegeloog. Avanti follows, bringing you a piece highlighting the many benefits of journaling. Vadim offers his take on the enigma that is platonic love, while Sara delves into the Japanese concept Ikigai, referring to one’s sense of purpose and how this can be important to our wellbeing. Anika explores the ways in which fashion can reflect not only ourselves but our place in society, and Magda argues how trusting science does not necessarily make one less of a critical thinker. Finally, Christine contemplates the strengths of a restorative justice approach to criminality. 

Just as interesting are this issue’s columns. For the Office Hours column, Laura speaks to Dylan Molenaar about the items in his office that have accompanied him during his academic journey. Evita goes on to give a commentary on Pixar’s Inside Out. Reviving the dormant Art Affairs column, Anushka and Evita review the exhibition Hug of a Swan at the Huis Marseille by photographer Nhu Xuan Hua. Denny Borsboom is back with the first Ivory Tower of the year on reflective measurement, while Anne covers the topic of free will in the Athena column. Expert Astrid Homan responds to David Amodio’s question, ‘What has your research taught us about the benefits of diversity to organisations, in addition to its benefits for society and members of underrepresented groups?’. Lastly, Laura rounds off our issue with her Bacchus pondering how forming friendships changes as we grow up and how she feels these friendships will play out in the next phases of life. 

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the new issue!

Anushka & Evita

Anushka Sabhanam and Evita Egert

Author Anushka Sabhanam and Evita Egert

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