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Spiegeloog 433: Control

Spiegeloog Editors: Superstitions and Rituals

An aspect of control that came to mind when brainstorming for this issue was regarding interesting but strange superstitions or rituals we may have and why. Some may seem familiar and others foreign, and some explanations feel incoherent without rhyme or reason, but they make sense to us. 

An aspect of control that came to mind when brainstorming for this issue was regarding interesting but strange superstitions or rituals we may have and why. Some may seem familiar and others foreign, and some explanations feel incoherent without rhyme or reason, but they make sense to us.

“Used to wear the same type of jewellery to every exam; damaged a mirror on accident a few years ago and googled how to reverse the bad luck 🤡”

“I always sit near the same person in the exam halls. It gives much-needed support!”

“Never sleep with a mirror facing you”

“Not calling someone by their name in a forest”

“I have two mugs that fit into each other and they always need to be in the cupboard together. One is mine and the other is my girlfriend’s, so I worry that if they are separated in the cupboard, then we will break up.”

“Finding a white spider means good luck, and should never be killed”

“A ritual: always go through things I am grateful for in my head before sleep.”

“An itchy left hand means a positive change will happen but an itching right hand means you should beware of bad luck coming your way.”

“Whenever I have an exam, for good luck, I like to put on one of the necklaces that my best friend has given me over the past 15+ years of our friendship (there’s a number to choose from XD).”

“Wearing my left sock first.”

“Used to wear the same type of jewellery to every exam; damaged a mirror on accident a few years ago and googled how to reverse the bad luck 🤡”

“I always sit near the same person in the exam halls. It gives much-needed support!”

“Never sleep with a mirror facing you”

“Not calling someone by their name in a forest”

“I have two mugs that fit into each other and they always need to be in the cupboard together. One is mine and the other is my girlfriend’s, so I worry that if they are separated in the cupboard, then we will break up.”

“Finding a white spider means good luck, and should never be killed”

“A ritual: always go through things I am grateful for in my head before sleep.”

“An itchy left hand means a positive change will happen but an itching right hand means you should beware of bad luck coming your way.”

“Whenever I have an exam, for good luck, I like to put on one of the necklaces that my best friend has given me over the past 15+ years of our friendship (there’s a number to choose from XD).”

“Wearing my left sock first.”

Spiegeloog Editors

Author Spiegeloog Editors

Anushka Sabhanam (2003) is a third-year psychology student with a keen interest in neuropsychology and developmental psychology. Beyond psychology, you can find her acting or singing her heart out on stage, crocheting till her hands give out, or listening to true crime podcasts without batting an eye.

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